1. Our attitude to Urban development
(1) consideration on the site context
(2) small scale project
(3) step by step development
(4) harmony with the townscape
(5) citizen participation
2. Phnom Penh as a Colonial city
2-1 aim
Space organization of the colonial city, case study on Phnom Penh
Relation between European Modern urban planning and indigenous Khmer human settlement pattern
2-2 outline of the result
(1) Vista
(2) Grid pattern and diagonal pattern
(3) Segregation
(4) Arrangement of Public institution
(5) Park system
3. Shophouses and the Townscape
3-1 aim
Townscape composed by the rows of shophouses is being destroyed by recent development.
It is necessary to clarify the feature of the shophouse townscape.
The problems of recent development by foreign investigation are as below.
---owe to the active energy system
---no connection between exterior and interior space
---scale is so big that the buildings give bad influence to the townscape
3-2 outline of the result
(1) townscape elevation by some 4 meter grid
(2) verandas on the street side
(3) living space with working space; mixture of shop and house
(4) alleys with human scale
(5) frequent self building the interior space
4. value of the indigenous institution; old market
4-1 aim
Our aim is to clarify the original (indigenous) development system in Cambodia
4-2 outline of the result
(1)open system v.s. closed system; indigenous institution are consisted of open system
(2)small scale project v.s. big scale project: assembles of small spaces which are constructed by themselves
(3)small space blocks with various arrangement