
questionnaire ; inhabitant assesment of shophouses

District Number: House Number: Floor: /

1. Family Structure (check age, occupation and answerer)

2. The State of extension or rebuild (When, Where and Why?)
*Draw in the other paper (Please check inhabitant’s demand for their house)

3. Correspondence of the use and place
*Draw in the other paper (Below is legend of the activity)
A: Cooking and preparations B: Have a meal C: Bathing D: Washing face
E: Drying clothes F: Storage G: Resting place H: Sleeping I: Study of children
J: Relations with neighbors K: Family talking L: Parking M: Business N: Other housework
*Please check who where sleeps

4. Basic Information of the Building
Buy or Rent : $
Building period: Occupying period:

5. Ownership (Who own the room, floor, land and whole of the building?)

6. Assesment of the house

7. Relations with your neighborhood
a. Could you tell me the scope of the relations?
none frequently Why so? (Free description)
Same floor ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
Different floor    ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
Different building ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
Different district ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

b. Do you know each other very well?
What do you do with your neighbors? (Free description)
□ Friendly association
□ Stand talking
□ No association

c. Do you want to have relations with your neighbors?
Why so? (Free description)
□ Positive want
□ No preference
□ Tend to avoid